Why use Competition Finder to find free competitions online

Entering free competitions can be a fulfilling and lucrative hobby. Whether you are trying to get a few little extra treats or attempting to supplement your income, comping can be rewarding.

Comping has become increasingly popular and there are some great online communities for compers. Some people enter hundreds of competitions a day. If this seems a little ambitious then don’t worry, you can still get results entering fewer competitions. That said, the more competitions you enter, the more likely you are to win!

Where to find free competitions

The days of only finding competitions in the back of magazines are long gone. It is possible to find thousands of competitions by looking online. The difficulty is knowing where to find the best ones.

This is where our website, comes in. As a free competition directory, it is a fantastic resource to help you find and enter the free competitions most suitable for your knowledge and objectives. Competition Finder created by keen compers. Despite having won online, when our creators suggested that their friends also try entering, it soon became clear that things were not so simple.

There are websites with spam links which are inserted to manipulate the results of search engines and provide no value or relevance. There are also competitions with genuine prizes but where the chances of winning are infinitesimally small. These are designed to obtain personal details that are then sold on to other companies. This combined with the complexity of some sites is enough to deter many people from even trying.

Competition Finder lists legitimate competitions with real prizes from trusted brands or promoters (we also have a list of companies to avoid). This simplifies the process enormously. Consider what type of products, experiences or brands are particularly important to you and search for them specifically as prizes. We always recommend reading the terms and conditions of any competition to ensure its legitimacy.

How to enter and win prizes online

The majority of online competitions simply require completing a form with personal details such as name, address, telephone number and email address. This can be time-consuming but also pays off if you win! Remember to look at autofill on Chrome to make the job easier.

However, it is also worth looking for free competitions that require a little more effort to enter. This could include taking a photo of something; writing a slogan or making a video among other tasks. Whilst it may involve more work for you, competitions of this sort often have fewer entries. Your chances of winning are boosted if other people are put off by the effort involved.

Another benefit of using Competition Finder is the ability to sort competitions by when they expire. This means you can enter competitions about to end first and then move on to those with an expiry date further away. This tool could be vital if you don’t have time to enter competitions every day. Sorting by expiry date will mean that you don’t miss any competitions you want to win.

Not only are there all of the advantages discussed above but Competition Finder is also curated and updated regularly. Our team works hard researching and finding the best competitions out there so you don’t have to. All tips we receive are validated before they are added to the site.

For free competitions that you can rely on, Competition Finder really is the place to come. Now it’s time to get entering and start winning. Good luck!
