How to Become a Competition Winner

Entering competitions as a hobby or ‘comping’ as it is known is becoming increasingly popular and with almost everyone now at home, is set to become more so. There are a wide range of competitions available ensuring that there is something to appeal to everyone. Who doesn’t like the idea of winning free stuff or even cash? Here we take a look at how you could potentially increase your chances of becoming a competition winner.

How to become a Competition Winner

You can, of course, just enter every competition you see. However, that isn’t the best way to maximise your chances of winning a prize. Everyone that enters wants to win competitions, but not everyone enters strategically. There are a few simple rules that will increase your chances of winning. Follow these and you will spend less time entering competitions for potentially more gain.

Be choosy about which competitions you enter

It may sound obvious, but it makes sense to choose which competitions you will enter. If you choose to only enter competitions which offer prizes that appeal to you or which you would like to gift to a family member or friend, you will save time. It is easy to get carried away and just enter every competition you see but there is no point if the prize isn’t something you would like. If you’re entering competitions you don’t even want to win, then you’re potentially taking away from someones dream prize.  You can search for legitimate competitions on our site.

Enter competitions which attract fewer entrants

The big competitions advertised in the national press or on television are likely to have bigger prizes. Quite often they will give away expensive cars or large amounts of money. However, you should bear in mind that a large number of people will know about these competitions and there will be likely to be a large number of entrants. If a competition is based on luck of the draw only, then the more entrants, the less chance you have of winning.

If you look for competitions that are specific to a particular interest, there are likely to be fewer entrants. Or those with restrictions based on locations or criteria. This means that the chance to win in these competitions will be higher.

Enter competitions which have additional entry requirements

Most competitions just require that you sign up or enter your email address and some details. These will attract more entrants than those that require you to do something else in addition because they are the easiest to enter. If you actively seek out competitions which have additional requirements you will increase your chances of becoming a competition winner.

In many cases, what you are required to do will not take very much time at all. However, in general, the more you have to do in order to be able to enter a competition, the more likely it is that there will be fewer entrants. Additional requirements for competitions could include things like answering a quiz or survey, taking a photo or writing a short story.

Find and enter genuine competitions on Competition Finder today!
