Free Competitions on Competition Finder

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Free Competitions

Finding genuine, free competitions to enter online isn’t always easy. With Competition Finder, you can find prizes to win, such as holidays, cars and cash every day. We update our website daily with the latest UK competitions. Making entering and winning competitions easy! Competition Finder is committed to finding genuine and free to enter UK competitions so you can always trust your personal information is safe.

Enter free competitions online

Free competitions to win cash, holidays and much more can sound too good to be true! But hundreds of companies give away amazing prizes just to raise their brand awareness. You just need to know where to find them. If you are new to entering competitions and want to win some amazing prizes then don’t get caught out by entering spam competitions. Use a competition website that lists free and genuine prizes, look no further than Competition Finder. We verify every competition that is added to our website so you can trust you are only entering genuine competitions. Plus you don’t have to register and our website is free to use. You can find hundreds of UK competitions every day.

Top UK competitions

Do you love competitions? Winning amazing prizes and experiences for you, your friends and your family? Then spend just a small amount of time, on your daily commute, in TV ad breaks or instead of scrolling social media, finding hundreds of incredible prize giveaways. You can pay to enter competitions and that is ok if you have the financial means to do so. But you don’t need to pay to enter to enjoy comping and win amazing prizes. We list hundreds of free to enter prize draws that simply require you to enter a few details to be in with a chance of winning. Find and enter Free Competitions today with Competition Finder.  
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